
Good fight in journey of life...

Good fight in journey of life...

            In the journey of life we need first, to know our enemy. Some of our most dangerous enemies we carry within are our: laziness, fear of discomfort, pride, oversensitivity to what others think of us and so on and so forth. But Satan is our greatest enemy and therefore, we “should not be ignorant of his designs,” St. Paul advices us to be well acquainted with his character and never ignore his active and destructive work. Jesus advises us to watch and pray against temptation and pray to God to “deliver us from the Evil One.”

            In the journey of life, don't fight alone; ask the help of the Holy Spirit. Pride easily dominates our thinking. We are shocked by the sins of others and yet we are blind to our own weaknesses. So we need the gifts of the Holy Spirit to equip ourselves against anything that is evil, to depend on Him to overcome the Evil One and make the right decisions.

            In the journey of life, been short as it is, we need to be quick to put right a wrong relationship. Hurting others and feeling hurt ourselves cannot be avoided. That is why Jesus teaches us that there is a need to forgive others not only seven times but seventy times seven. It is because, like for example our anger, if we let our anger to continue even if the sun goes down already, we may be sleepless; depressed and irritable in the following morning; and will give the devil an opportunity to exploit our anger. So let us be quick to put it right.

            Wishing you a day full of peace in spirit, busy but not rushed and alert but not tense.

“On Death and Dying“

The idea of death makes one aware of one's life, one's vital being – that which is impermanent and will one day end.   When ...